Return to Indigeneous

Prophecies Fulfilled

Ancient Prophecies for Modern Times by Bette Stockbauer (13K)

Native American Prophecies Fulfilled… transcript of Lee Brown’s presentation (28K)

Prophecies of the Toltec and Mayan Indians Mayan prophecies foretell the dawn of a new era in 1844 and the coming of two Messengers of God whose teachings will restore the unity of humanity. by Olin Karch (19K)

Mayan Indian prophecies of Chilam Balam (the Jaguar Priest) dating from about 1168 AD. (5K)

Navajo prophecies foretelling the coming of Baha’u’llah by Annie Khan (8K)

The Return of the White Buffalo Calf Woman prophecy of the Lakota… Pat Locke’s interview with Jaci Left Hand Bull (15K)